Easier mention not workingModify the whole "easier mention/mention facile" JS file with : Code: // PLACEMENT : All pages// [FRENCH] by Shadow// https://forum.forumactif.com/t378492-rendre-le-systeme-de-mentions-plus-facile-a-utiliser// [ENGLIGH] by Ange tuteur// https://help.forumotion.com/t140358-make-the-mentioning-system-easier-to-use/* FORUM VERSIONS * 0 = PHPBB2 * 1 = PHPBB3 * 2 = PUNBB * 3 = INVISION * 4 = MODERNBB */$(function() { var version = 4; if (/mode=reply/.test(window.location.search) && my_getcookie('fa_mention')) { document.post.message.value += '@"' + my_getcookie('fa_mention') + '" '; my_setcookie('fa_mention',''); } if (!/\/t\d+/.test(window.location.pathname)) return; for (var a = $(['.post-options', '.profile-icons', '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.profile-icons'][version]), b, c, d = ['.name strong a', '.author a', '.username a', '.author a', '.post_pseudo a'][version], e, i = 0, j = a.length, t = document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'), l = version == 1 || version == 3 || version == 4; i<j; i++) { b = document.createElement('A'); b.className = 'fa-mention'; b.innerHTML = '@'; b.title = 'Mentionner ' + $(a[i]).closest('.post_row').find(d + ':not(.fa-mention)').text(); b.onclick = function() { var n = this.title.replace(/^.*?\s/,''); if ($.sceditor) t.insertText('@"' + n + '" '); else { my_setcookie('fa_mention', n); window.location.href = '/post?t=' + window.location.pathname.replace(/\/t(\d+)-.*/,'$1') + '&mode=reply'; } }; if (l) { c = document.createElement('LI'); c.appendChild(b); } a[i].insertBefore(l ? c : b, a[i].firstChild); } $(function(){ if (!$.sceditor) return; t=$(t).sceditor('instance'); });});
// PLACEMENT : All pages// [FRENCH] by Shadow// https://forum.forumactif.com/t378492-rendre-le-systeme-de-mentions-plus-facile-a-utiliser// [ENGLIGH] by Ange tuteur// https://help.forumotion.com/t140358-make-the-mentioning-system-easier-to-use/* FORUM VERSIONS * 0 = PHPBB2 * 1 = PHPBB3 * 2 = PUNBB * 3 = INVISION * 4 = MODERNBB */$(function() { var version = 4; if (/mode=reply/.test(window.location.search) && my_getcookie('fa_mention')) { document.post.message.value += '@"' + my_getcookie('fa_mention') + '" '; my_setcookie('fa_mention',''); } if (!/\/t\d+/.test(window.location.pathname)) return; for (var a = $(['.post-options', '.profile-icons', '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.profile-icons'][version]), b, c, d = ['.name strong a', '.author a', '.username a', '.author a', '.post_pseudo a'][version], e, i = 0, j = a.length, t = document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'), l = version == 1 || version == 3 || version == 4; i<j; i++) { b = document.createElement('A'); b.className = 'fa-mention'; b.innerHTML = '@'; b.title = 'Mentionner ' + $(a[i]).closest('.post_row').find(d + ':not(.fa-mention)').text(); b.onclick = function() { var n = this.title.replace(/^.*?\s/,''); if ($.sceditor) t.insertText('@"' + n + '" '); else { my_setcookie('fa_mention', n); window.location.href = '/post?t=' + window.location.pathname.replace(/\/t(\d+)-.*/,'$1') + '&mode=reply'; } }; if (l) { c = document.createElement('LI'); c.appendChild(b); } a[i].insertBefore(l ? c : b, a[i].firstChild); } $(function(){ if (!$.sceditor) return; t=$(t).sceditor('instance'); });});
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